45 Day Total Body Detox 2024
By Stephanie Ray, ND, BCN
Detoxification is normal. It is necessary for keeping the body in balance. It impacts all of your three treasures: your energy, spirit, and essence. The bowels are the most visual aid to detoxifying the body we have besides sweat. In fact, if your bowels are NOT moving 2-3 times a day, no progress can be made.
This is important because scientists estimate that each of us carries over 700 toxic contaminants in our body. We are walking filters for the environment. Environmental pollutants diminish us, and take the vitality and shine out of our eyes. They inhibit our ability to be present and enjoy life. Over time they cause disease. If the organs of elimination, such as the bowels, are not moving daily our vitality is diminished and we are unhappy and unable to see the joy in life.
This is our annual detox event. Everyone needs to detox heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites at least once a year. You can look forward to BIORAY® releasing detoxification steps systematically over the course of 45 days just as we would do clinically. We’ll be following the physiology of the body and peeling the toxins away in an effective method that is impactful and easy to follow. Through each successive email release, you’ll get all the clinical pearls to the organic detox program many patients have successfully completed.
BIORAY’s Total Body Detox (TBD), is a 6 week / 45-day program. The TBD will detoxify heavy metals, parasites, residue of medications, and harmful environmental chemicals. Even from day one, you will begin to eliminate acidity and restore the alkaline reserve while balancing healthy hormonal, adrenal, and endocrine function. At the end of this program, you’ll have your shine back.
What this is NOT:
This is not a starvation or a crash detox. It is not a fast. You will not feel weak or fatigued.
BIORAY’s TBD is easily assimilated into your normal daily routine. You will experience an increase in energy and stamina. You will be able to snack and enjoy a diet rich in cooked foods, protein, and healthy fats.
In the beginning, we’ll be supporting:
- The organs that remove toxins
- The body’s ability to deal with the stress of these toxins
- We’ll go after the toxins, safely, effectively, easily - with no detox reaction
Concurrently, we’ll be:
- Restoring and rebuilding our adrenal reserves
- Supporting our endocrine systems and balancing hormones
- We’ll be replenishing the brain and the body’s cells with the perfect nutrients
What You Can Expect With The Total Body Detox:
- Improved digestion
- Increased energy
- Decreased susceptibility to immune triggers
- Improved circulation
- Balanced moods
- Flatter stomach
- Smooth skin tone
- Increased mental acuity
- Pronounced tone and muscle definition
Supplements Used for the Total Body Detox:
The supplements used in this program have been successful for thousands of people for over two decades. They are the highest quality organic, adaptogenic plant-based formulas that were created in clinical practice with real people whose results were measured and recorded.
Each major area of the body needs support to create rapid cell turnover and rejuvenation, which is the perfect way to begin 2022. Here’s where we begin:
- Fill out a health questionnaire at the beginning and end: This gives you valuable information about where you started and what you’ve accomplished.
- Know your blood type: Eating foods according to your blood type are the most beneficial for your body’s ability to assimilate nutrients. BIORAY’s 45-Day Total Body Detox comes with an easy-to-use finger prick blood typing kit.
Step #1: Get Your Bowels and Pooper Moving Regularly
Ridding your body daily of what it metabolizes and breaks down is the first place to begin. If your bowels are not moving 2-3 times a day, no progress can be made.
The best way to clean your GI and colon is from the mouth down. Consistent colonics can wear out the elasticity of the colon, much like a water balloon that has been filled and emptied over and over again. It slows down the peristalsis and creates a continuing need for colonics. It can become a vicious cycle. In contrast, cleaning the colon from the mouth down continues the path of elimination that is natural for the body.
If your bowels are not moving 2-3 times a day, you can:
- Ensure you are drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day (for example: 170 lb. person it’s recommended to drink 85 ounces of clean water a day).
- Add freshly squeezed lemon a few times a day to your water. This supports the gallbladder and liver to process waste.
Take Good To Go® 2-6 droppers full, once a day in water or juice. This moistens and lubricates the colon, making an easy bowel movement.
- Take high doses of Vitamin C, Oxy Powder, or George's aloe vera juice, until your bowels are moving regularly.
If you go soon after awakening or within three hours after eating a meal, you are doing well. Elimination should be easy and without strain. The stool should come out one piece, soft - not hard, 12-14 inches long. Think bananas, not grape size. The color should be a golden brown, similar to a brown bag. These are the ideal conditions to look for.
Base Recipe for Flatbread Loaves with Liver Life®
To prepare for the 45 Day TBD, we’re sharing a flat bread recipe similar to the one used by Dr. FX Mayr, who invented the original “mouth to anus” cleanse.
We begin each day with flatbread and ½ a cup of milk of your choice: seed milk, goat, pea, cow. The bread can be made from practically any kind of organic cereal grains, such as spelt, kamut, rye, buckwheat, amaranth, or quinoa. Substituting mineral water with sheep’s milk (provided they are suitably tolerated) is possible but not necessary.
- 1 cup plus 1 tbsp finely ground flour for your blood type. Sift to remove any bran particles
- 2 cups carbonated mineral water
- 2 tablespoons Liver Life®
- 1 and ½ tsp sea salt
- ¼ cup of finely ground flax, caraway, or anise seeds
Gently stir flour, mineral water, and Liver Life® together into a soft dough, then add salt and seeds. Spoon dough onto baking parchment to form four flat, round, or oval loaves, using two wet spoons. Smooth loaves with a wet spoon. Pierce dough several times with a fork.
Bake in a preheated oven at 400-500 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes, or until loaves turn a nice color. Cool on a wire rack, covered with a clean tea towel, and allow to dry through, which takes several hours to a day.
Flatbread loaves should be eaten the same day, or they can be frozen and then removed from the freezer about 30 minutes before they are needed.
- Makes about 4 servings or loaves