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Article: Awakening Your Sexuality for a Summer of Love - Summer of Love Vol. 2

Awakening Your Sexuality for a Summer of Love - Summer of Love Vol. 2

Love and a Healthy Life

Traditional Chinese herbalism is based on the Taoist philosophy that the body is a universe with a set of complete interconnected systems. These usually work in balance to maintain a healthy life force. This is basically the principle of yin and yang. These two opposites are constantly in motion, creating and fluctuating balance in a healthy body. 

Part of our adult experience is a self expressed and loving sex life, the yin and yang principals are very engaged here. Sometimes one is rebuilding yin, so knows to eat nourishing foods and call it an early night. When this is replenished, a person may find they have the energy to express their sexuality, a high energy and very yang state of being.

Aphrodisiacs are the art and science of lovemaking and are the result of thousands of years of tradition, they can be found in foods and herbal remedies. With BIORAY Intimate, three tonic herbal formulas give us the opportunity to increase pleasure, joy and intimacy. Taking tonic herbs provides a subtle yet profound effect on the psyche as well as the physical body, a principle that has been observed since ancient times. 

Tonic Herbalism Enhances a Functioning Body

In Western cultures, tonic herbs from traditional Chinese herbalism offer a unique approach to health and well-being that may seem both intriguing and complementary to modern lifestyles. These herbs have long been revered in Chinese culture for their ability to promote a high quality of life, embodying ideals such as longevity, radiant health, happiness, wisdom, physical vitality, adaptability, sexual vigor, mental acuity, compassion, and harmony with nature. The range of tonic herbs includes roots, bark, leaves, berries, and mushrooms.

Most tonic herbs target specific vital organ pathways or bodily substances to rebuild, rejuvenate, and activate life-force energies. They not only induce positive changes in the physical body but also greatly influence wellness on an emotional and spiritual level. By fortifying the body-mind-spirit connection, tonic herbs strengthen organ functions, encourage natural harmony with the world around us, and enhance our energy, inner life-force, and adaptability. 

One of the key distinctions of tonic herbal medicine compared to other allopathic traditions in the West is its emphasis on promoting health rather than preventing or eliminating disorders. This approach focuses on developing superior health and spiritual power through exercises that balance the body, mind, and spirit. It involves nurturing the Three Treasures—Jing (essence), Qi (energy), and Shen (spirit)—to integrate and strengthen organ systems and harmonize our lives with the environment and the universe. Read more about these here, for women and for men.

By incorporating the principle of yin and yang along with tonic herbalism, we benefit from the ancient wisdom of Chinese tonic herbalism. 

Superior Tonic Formulas For Sexual Self-Expression

For couples who want to enhance this part of their life, BIORAY Intimate offers Lady Passion for building hormones that support receptivity and pleasure. 

  • Lady Passion® has a pro-sexual effect that ignites internal fire, warming the lower burner, gladdens the heart, and opens receptivity. It supports healthy blood flow, and has a moistening effect on the body.*

Lady Passion is contraindicated in individuals with conditions that produce excess heat in the body, such as flu or cold. Do not use during pregnancy or while nursing.

For those interested in a driving energy and stamina, we have Red Rooster. 

  • Red Rooster® has a powerful pro-sexual effect that amplifies the masculine side of a person increasing stamina, staying power, positive psychological function, and focus. This formula is fiery and deeply energizing.

Red Rooster is contraindicated in individuals with high blood pressure or conditions that produce excess heat in the body, such as flu or cold. Do not use during pregnancy or while nursing.

To replenish such high energy antics, we offer Loving Energy for both partners the morning after.

  • Loving Energy® is an ancient and reliable tonic to fortify lovers after a night of feasting. Loving Energy’s adrenal strengthening herbs replenish moisture and trace minerals hydrating exhausted bodies. 

Enhance every moment with The Love Tonic Kit—featuring Red Rooster, Lady Passion, and Loving Energy. This all-in-one set is crafted to amplify your connection and pleasure.   

How to Use These Herbal Formulas Together

  1. For those couples new to tonic herbs, we recommend that both begin their day with a cup of Lady Passion for her and a cup of Red Rooster for him 3 – 4 droppers full. For same sex couples, choose whichever will to enhance the aspects the parties are looking for. 
  2. Later in the afternoon, have a cup of Loving Energy Tea, 3 droppers full. 
  3. In the evening 20 – 40 minutes before your coupling, we recommend 9 droppers full of Lady Passion for her and Red Rooster for him. For same sex couples, taking the formula you chose to enhance these aspects of their personalities.
  4. The morning after, take 4 droppers full for both partners to replenish from the evening before.

Taking Endocrine Balancing Formulas in Low Doses Assists with Sexual Experience at High Doses

Taking Lady Passion and Red Rooster at low steady doses builds the endocrine system, instrumental in regulating mood, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes. This  creates a base for the higher dosing to increase stronger sexual expression.

Tonic Safety While on Medications

Generally, tonic herbs are safe. All the ingredients in Lady Passion, Red Rooster, and Loving Energy are on the FDA’s GRAS list, Generally Recognized As Safe. They are natural herbal blends and processed by the body similar to foods.

However, Red Rooster is contraindicated if a person is taking high blood pressure medication. Do not take Red Rooster in these cases. Always consult with your health care practitioner when taking any herbal or dietary supplement.

End Note

Through the consistent use of tonic herbs, individuals can experience an enhanced sense of well-being, leading to a more vibrant and balanced life. By incorporating these time-honored practices into our modern lives, we honor the wisdom of ancient traditions while embracing the benefits of contemporary science. The harmony achieved through this balance not only nourishes our bodies but also enriches our intimate relationships, allowing for deeper connections and a more fulfilling love life.