Are your kids roomies, going back to school or zoomies, participating in school from Zoom? We’re here to support you and your child experience the best back to learning ever. Below are some questions Bryan Bradford of Sunflower Shoppe asked BIORAY CEO & Co-Founder Stephanie Ray, ND, BCN, CNHP.
It’s been such a tumultuous time for children. They are going to have to acclimate being around large groups of their peers and teachers again. Luckily, they’ll have sports that they’ll get to participate in and hopefully other electives such as music and art. Stephanie, how can we support our kids now?
Now, more than ever, parents must make sure their kid’s immune systems are being supported daily. Supporting our kids physically, mentally, and emotionally, is a priority as well. Luckily, we have what we need in herbs and certain foods which historically have a major role in assisting human beings during times of stress and when immunity needs to be strengthened.

So, how about if we go through some key issues and situations our kids might experience and how talk about some key foods and BIORAY formulas you recommend?
That’s perfect! I’d love to look at this with you Bryan. Why don’t we begin with strengthening kids immune system naturally? Many parents have this on their minds, and it can be as easy as keeping the immune system supported and stress low is important. with herbs such as camu camu, blueberry, cranberry, and elderberry are high in antioxidants which support the body to fight the stress of oxidation. Herbs that support the lungs, throat and the body’s ability to adapt to different invaders called adaptogens have shown positive results supporting the immune system.
FORMULA: NDF Immune® contains the camu camu, blueberry, cranberry, and elderberry fruit concentrate along with traditional Chinese adaptogenic herbs. High in antioxidants and adaptogenic ingredients NDF Immune® helps our kids immune system fight and also stay balanced at the same time.
Optimal intake: At onset of symptoms, begin weight appropriate intake as indicated below every 2 hours up to 5 times in a 12-hour period.
- 50 lbs or less: 1 ml 1-2 times per day.
51 lbs or more: 2 ml 1-2 times per day in water, juice, or milk.
What a wonderful resource parents have with NDF Immune for their children. Can adults take it too?
Yes, they can simply adjust the intake to their weight, mix in water or juice.

What about children who have a nervous stomach going back to school?
This is an issue for a lot of kids especially now. They may be shy or have butterflies in their stomach, nervous to interact with all the new people at school. It could even be over excitement. I recommend NDF Tummy for children under 12 years old and Belly Mend for teens for these kinds of issues. In our study, these two formulas push bad bugs out of the gastrointestinal tract and helps with being more social, cooperative, empathetic and loving.
I understand you have a super charged way of helping kids with a breakfast food and NDF Tummy and Belly Mend?
Yes, there is a highly effective breakfast that naturally supports the brain/gut axis and the happy hormones serotonin and dopamine and decreases stomach aches. We have sent you these recipe cards for Sunflower Shoppes. It’s a combination of organic oats, NDF Tummy or Belly Mend, and fruit or honey with yogurt containing live cultures of probiotics makes naturally occurring “prebiotics”. Consuming prebiotics for breakfast increase the beneficial bacteria in the gut when we eat other enzyme containing food throughout the day.
What’s in these two formulas that give this impact?
NDF Tummy® and Belly Mend® contain an 11-strain probiotic blend that has its cell wall lysed or broken. Now this probiotic blend can more easily push bad bugs out of the gastrointestinal effectively. They can be taken 1-2 times a day in water, juice, or milk. Best taken in the morning and afternoon.

What if our kids are in a mood and don’t want to go to school or have high frustration with school in general?
Moodiness and frustration are common children and teens when toxins are not removed effectively through the liver. The first thing you may notice is “personality issues” with others, such as parents, siblings, or friends. It may be accompanied with skin blemishes or irritations. By supporting liver function, toxins can leave the body; moodiness disappears, frustration and anxiety decrease, skin issues clear up.
Foods that do a super job helping the liver process toxins and excess hormones include:
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Watermelon
- Artichokes
- Lemon in water (at least 3 glasses a day)
FORMULAS: NDF Calm® and Liver Lover® formulas use adaptogenic medicinal mushrooms and herbs that specifically enhance and balance liver function in children and teens. They can be taken 1-2 times a day in water, juice, or milk. Best taken in the morning and afternoon. Do not give close to bedtime.

Speaking of how to help our kids and teens with moods, what about helping children that have explosive anger?
It is normal for kids and teens to express anger. However, if it is sudden or accompanied by extreme cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, or they have an itchy bottom: it is most probably unwanted organisms.

So, anyone can get these? How do kids get these unwanted organisms?
The eggs of these critters live under the nail and around the cuticle. We get them from our pets, eating out, from playing in the dirt. They create disturbances between the nervous system and the brain and soon, a person is just not “feeling like themself”.
Did you know teens with unwanted organisms left untreated did worse in reading and math in school than teens who took “care of them”? It’s as simple as washing the hands correctly and if a parent suspect and making sure a child is not a good host for them. If a child’s diet is high in sugar, carbohydrates, fried foods they have the perfect environment for these to take up residence. Common symptoms include itchy rectum, increased craving of sugar and carbohydrates, and unexplained anger.
FORMULAS: NDF Happy® or Microbe Slayer® contain herbs that kill a broad spectrum of unwanted organisms. Buffered with liver and adrenal support, parents notice a difference in as little as one day. This formula should be taken twice a day, at higher intake, and ensure bowels are moving at least 1-2 times a daily.

What about children that have a hard time focusing, concentrating, or finishing their work?
One-in-five children under 18 years old in the US today has some form of a learning issue, according to American Academy of Pediatrics. There is a direct correlation between this and environmental pollution.

Many parents are making sure their children are eating better by way of delicious smoothies loaded with herbal tinctures and foods that help remove toxins. The healthier kids and teens eat; the more toxins they remove, and the better their attention and focus.
Foods that help the brain work well are:
- Chlorella
- Cilantro
- Shitake and Maitake mushrooms
- Gogi berries
These ingredients work to clean the cells and give energy that is vital to brain function. They increase kids’ ability to concentrate and support the adrenal system which is the body’s natural stress responder.
FORMULAS: NDF Focus® for children under 12 and Mind Focus® for teens bring clarity and brightness to the mind for children and teens in as little as 5 minutes. Both formulas also help with adaptability and tiredness. Best taken before learning session or testing. They can be taken 1-4 times a day as needed, in water, juice, or milk. Best taken in the morning and afternoon. Do not give close to bedtime.

What about sleep? It’s sometimes hard to get our younger children to sleep at an early enough hour and teens stay up late doing homework.
Answer: Creating a night-time ritual for kids is important. Helping teens discover how to balance their social, school, and down time is something we can help them with as well.
Because when kids and teens don’t sleep well, it impacts their ability to learn and be their best. As body the sleeps, the brain lets go of nonessential data, “defragging” it’s hard drive and putting things back in order again. In one study teens that slept less at night had more behavioral problems and mood disturbances during the day. It also impacted their ability to perform their best at math. So, how much sleep does your child need?
4-6 years old - 11 to 12 hours per day
7-12 Years Old: 10 - 11 hours per day
12-18 Years Old: 8 - 9 hours per day
Sleep issues can be resolved with changes to habits surrounding bedtime.
- Drink some water
- Take a shower & brush teeth
- Get cozy in bed with soft sheets or blanket
FORMULAS: NDF Sleepy® and Get Sleepy® help children fall asleep and stay asleep through the night by modulating the GABA receptor sites. 100% plant-based. They contain no melatonin. Take appropriate formula 10-15 minutes before bedtime in water. Be ready for sleep. :)

And lastly, what kids that have trouble going to number 2 or having a bowel movement?
That is very essential for the body to keep homeostasis or balance. Because if we are not removing toxins daily or waste from what we’ve eaten – the body makes no progress. In TCM we say is we are not pooping every day no progress can be made.
The bowels should be moving 1-3 times a day. It should be soft and a light brown color, one whole long piece 12-14” long. And we should be able to move our bowels without pain or strain.
FORMULAS: NDF Pooper® helps kids under 12 Good To Go helps teens poop with ease, promotes relaxation, and alleviates bowel-related stomach discomfort. This formula can be given in the morning in water or juice according to the instructions on the bottle or box. In times of dry or hard to move bowels, intake can be increase by 4x according to weight to get the bowels moving. Make sure they are drinking at half their weight in ounces of water – you can add some lemon and maple syrup or honey for the tartness.
- Moistens and lubricates the intestines*
- Gently purges accumulation*
- Supports intestinal integrity*
- Has trace minerals, vitamins, RNA/DNA*
- Safely removes heavy metals and chemicals*